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Results: Thursday, Jan. 2, 2025

Thursday, Jan. 2
Avon 63, Glastonbury 17
Canton 39, Stafford 33
Ellis Tech 42, Sheperd Hills-Dudley MA 35
Foran 67, Jonathan Law 9
Guilford 65, Hand 18
Joel Barlow 65, Notre Dame-Fairfield 18
Killingly 77, New London 6
Ledyard 60, Griswold/Wheeler 21
Masuk 40, Bethel 36
Montville/Plainfield 55, Woodstock Academy 23
Newtown 60, Bunnell 13
Notre Dame-West Haven 56, Fairfield Prep 18
Rockville 60, Coventry 22
Simsbury 50, Newington 24
Suffield/Windsor Locks 48, Granby 26
Waterford 71, Fitch 12
Weston 39, Brookfield/Shepaug 34
Windham 72, Putnam 10

Bacon Academy at East Lyme/Norwich Tech
Cheshire at New Haven co-op
New Milford at Stratford
Pomperaug/Holy Cross/Watertown at New Fairfield
Somers at Portland/Cromwell
West Haven at Amity

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Avon 63, Glastonbury 17
At Glastonbury
106 Connor Petrunti (A) pin Jayden Rivera (G), 0:57; 113 Sebastian Carlo (A) pin Stefan Cernatescu (G), 0:23; 120 Mason Beecher (A) pin Tyler Tummillo (G), 3:13; 126 David Jacobs (A) pin Brendan Tummillo (G); 132 Carmelo Rafala (G) pin Liam Hildinger (A), 2:30; 138 Elijah Fagin (A) pin Christopher Ouellette (G), 4:42; 144 Aki Bhabad (A) pin Tiago Banhon (G), 0:51; 150 Carter Davies (A) pin Santiago Fernandez decker (G), 0:55; 157 Kyle Amirault (G) tech fall Charles May (A), 17-1; 165 John Murphy (A) dec. Dante Casdia (G), 10-8; 175 Matias Berrio (A) pin Connor Downing (G), 3:42; 190 Jayden Beecher (A) pin John Luby (G), 2:22; 215 Maxwell Janes (A) pin Robert Rosa (G), 2:52; 285 A’marii Dudley (G) pin Shawn Leith (A), 1:15
Records: Avon 4-2, 1-0 CCC North, Glastonbury 4-1, 0-1 CCC North

Canton 39, Stafford 33
At Stafford

106: Landon DaCruz (C) forfeit; 113 Sean Titus (C) pin Andrew Irwin (S), 2:47; 120 Jose Rivera (C) tech fall Nathan Kodzis (S), 21-4 5:20; 126 Derek Consolini (S) pin Bryce Young (C), 1:08; 132 Nick Leadbetter (C) dec. Kaiden Bobskill (S), 8-3; 138 George Redford (C) pin Noah Perry (S), 1:34; 144 Seth Ives (S) pin Link Knapp (C), 0:30; 150 Grant Inlow (C) dec. Dominic Curnan (S), 13-2; 157 Carter Chambers (C) dec. Logan Wolf (S), 12-9 6:30; 165 Tyler Wolf (S) pin Grant Chambers (C), 3:19; 175 Kaiden Jellison (S) pin Joaquin Vasquez (C), 1:07; 190 Peyton Krah (S) dec. Kian Murphy (C), 7-1; 215: James Grover (S) forfeit; 285 Thomas Johnson (C) pin Kaleb Arcouette (S), 1:25
Records: Canton 5-6, 1-0 NCCC; Stafford 8-3, 1-1 NCCC

Simsbury 59, Newington 24
At Newington
106 Moses Olea-Sulivan (S) pin Jackson Schilling (N); 120 Grady Carroll (S) pin Brycen Hoang (N); 126 Mick Granger (S) tech fall Maurizio Previti (N), 17-2; 132 Giuliano Sirianni (S) pin Nicholas Dimauro (N); 144 Coleman Finn (S) pin Gavin Dibella (N); 150 Kevin Wojtowicz (S) pin Emanuel Nazario (N); 157 Makar Blazhkkevich (N) pin Will Sudnick (S); 175 Marcus Brown (N) pin Christos Alexopoulos (S); 190 Brett Osborne CT (Simsbury) pin Rowan Tracey (N); 215 Maximus Konopka (S) pin Heath Weeden (N); 138: Angelo Dicicco (S) forfeit; 165: Luis-Amaro-Baez (N) forfeit; 285: Jaden Martin (S) forfeit
Records: Simsbury 1-1, 1-0 CCC West; Newington 0-5, 0-1 CCC South

Suffield/Windsor Locks 48, Granby 26
At Suffield

106: Peter Annis (S) forfeit; 113: no match; 120 Liam Kirkpatrick (G) pin Cedrick Hardy (S), 1:55; 126 Max Blake (S) pin Tyrese Henry (G), 1:03; 132 Deron Daley (G) pin Wyatt Grant (S), 0:42; 138 Benjamin Barlow (G) tech fall Alex Tamayo (S), 16-0; 144: Cole Snyder (S) forfeit; 150 Jackson Annis (S) pin Cartier Hightower (G), 3:00; 157 Tony Camilleri (G) dec. Angel Medina (S), 12-8; 165: Matthew Kielasinski (S) forfeit; 175 Nikolas Krauland (G) pin Maddox Tamayo (S), 3:18; 190 Landon Tuttle (S) pin Cayden Coughlin (G), 1:48; 215: Patrick Krupa (S) forfeit; 285: Yasin Afrailov (S) forfeit
Records: Suffield/WL 3-2, 2-0 NCCC; Granby 0-1, 0-1 NCCC

Joel Barlow 65, Notre Dame-Fairfield 18
At Barlow
106: William Areklett (JB) forfeit; 113: Dylan Vibbert (JB) forfeit; 120: Zackary Jhila (JB) forfeit; 126 Jacob Hamlin (JB) pin Nyhioeke Christie (ND), 1:28; 132: Ben Azzara (JB) forfeit; 138 Ryan Knob (JB) tech fall Anthony Vazquez (ND), 15-0; 144: Alex Krois (JB) forfeit; 150 Claudio Barbosa (JB) pin Victoria Maillard (ND), 1:47; 157 Scott Romano (JB) pin Dennis King (ND), 1:59; 165 Jonathan Lanche (ND) pin Anthony Azzara (JB), 2:48; 175 Robert Gaspar (JB) pin Jeremiah James (ND), 0:58; 190: Sebastian Gonez (ND) forfeit; 215 Kaydon Rudd (ND) pin Pierce Counter (JB), 3:52; 285 Connor Lee (JB) pin Vincent Perez (ND), 3:57
Records: Joel Barlow 1-4, Notre Dame-Fairfield 0-2

Guilford 65, Hand 18

At Madison
106 Cameron Boyle (G) tech fall Jamison Chieppo (H), 20-5; 113:Makena Sullivan (G) forfeit; 120 Wyatt Roberts (H) pin Evie Day (G), 1:42; 126 Dante Bilskis (G) pin Michael Lavin (H), 1:47; 132 Andrew Plancon (G) pin Edmond Flood (H), 0:56; 138 Elijah Mcdermott (G) pin Evelyn Lavigne (H), 1:03; 144 Alex Uzzo (G) pin Benjamin Butsch (H), 2:13; 150 Hyde Jacobson (G) pin Samuel Diaz (H), 1:12; 157 Andrew King (H) pin Andrew Derosa (G), 2:15; 165 Kenny Carter (H) pin Sam Martocci (G), 1:13; 175 Michael Odonnell (G) pin Beau Newton (H), 1:12; 190: Jonah Labbadia-Colon (G) forfeit; 215: Colton Deboda (G) forfeit; 285 Logan Murphy (G) pin Trevor Cash (H), 1:34
Records: Hand 1-4, Guilford 2-2

Weston 39, Brookfield/Shepaug 34
At Brookfield
106: Declan Judge (W) forfeit; 113: no match; 120: Thomas Scallon (B) forfeit; 126 Matt Bray (B) pin Edward Ye (W), 3:33; 132: Evan Gross (B) forfeit; 138 James Feather (B) pin Eli Wald (W); 144 Duco Van riemsdijk (W) dec. Dylan Cichon (B), 6-5; 150 Nathaniel Smith (B) dec. Noam Ben-zvi (W), 18-8; 157: David Castellano (W) forfeit; 165 Olaf Kasinski (W) pin Isaac Mancini (B), 2:48; 175 Alexander Lospalluto (W) pin Aiden Lucchese (B), 1:13; 190 Maxwell Lipton (W) pin Evan Ruppert (B); 215 Trey Parker (B) pin Nicholas Jandrucko (W), 1:06; 285: Julian Smith (W) forfeit
Records: Weston 1-1, Brookfield/Shepaug 0-2

Ellis Tech 42, Shepherd Hill-Dudley, MA 35
At Danielson
106 Dylan Lacasse (ET) pin Autumn Bardier (SH), 0:59; 113: Micah Wexler (SH) forfeit; 120 Georgios Sezenias (ET) pin Trevor Blair (SH), 4:55; 126 Edwin Lovely (ET) pin Justin Kelly (SH), 1:57; 132 Ammar Kuljancic (ET) pin Liam Kay (SH), 5:57; 138 Casen Leonard (SH) pin Landen Davis (ET), 0:47; 144 Sebastian Hanshaw (ET) pin Aiden Latino (SH), 3:59; 150 Logan Pecore (SH) pin Jeremy Keyes (ET), 1:43; 157 Marcello Siwko (ET) pin Hunter Davis (SH), 3:16; 165 Sawyer Ayotte (SH) pin Benjamin Mayo (ET), 0:39; 175 Nate Fenner (ET) dec. Josiah Rijos (SH), 8-7; 190 Pablo Reyes (ET) dec. Jose Trujillo (SH), 6-2; 215 Kaden Sandgren (SH) pin Cogan Gosselin (ET), 0:34; 285 Diego Gutierrez Serrano (SH) pin John Collins (ET), 3:45
NOTE: Shepard Hill penalized one point for unsportsmanlike conduct
Records: Ellis Tech 3-3

Waterford 71, Fitch 12
At Waterford
106 Lachlan Burdy (W) pin Analeigh Fussell (F), 1:57; 113 Marco Ursini (F) pin Trey Evans (W), 1:34; 120 Luke Westkott (W) pin Jody Murnane (F), 1:01; 126: Adam Piccolo (W) forfeit; 132: Declan Fagan (W) forfeit; 138 Robert Sommers (W) tech fall Abel Wichael (F); 144: Dustin Powers (W) forfeit; 150 Justin Gray (W) pin Alijah Zidbeck (F), 3:15; 157: Lucas Gannotti (W) forfeit; 165 Shad Stewart (F) pin Lucas Bourez (W), 1:40; 175: Adam Balfour (W) forfeit; 190: Samuel Vasquez (W) forfeit; 215 Braeden Sollima (W) pin Dayton Jackson (F), 3:03; 285 Cooper Myers (W) pin Jett Alcoba (F), 3:43
Records: Waterford 1-1, Fitch 0-5

Montville/Plainfield 55, Woodstock Academy 23
At Montville
106: Alejandro Long (M) forfeit; 113: Chloe Leonardi (M) forfeit; 120 David Linder (M) dec. Owen Hamilton (WA), 10-4; 126 Adrian Adames (M) pin Jayden Bowers (WA), 1:40; 132 Christian Hall (M) dec. Aidan Soukaloun (WA), 7-4; 138 Matthew Lorince (M) pin Olivia Digregorio (WA), 1:44; 144: Jake Henderson (WA) forfeit; 150 Ayden Angel-Ouimette (WA) tech fall Nathan Panik (M), 21-4; 157 Matthew Mei (M) pin Quantiwah Sangasy (WA), 3:20; 165: Hector Aponte (M) forfeit; 175 Luke Chapman (M) pin Gunnar Basak (WA), 0:23; 190: Joseph Spring (WA) forfeit; 215 Andrew Landreville (WA) pin Tyler Chen (M), 3:59; 285 Avery Spears (M) pin William Papineau (WA), 4:23
Records: Woodstock Academy 2-6, Montville/Plainfield 2-6

Newtown 60, Bunnell 13
At Newtown
106 Neko Passaro (B) dec. Micah Houston (N), 10-0; 113 Owen Blair (N) pin CJ Martinez (B); 126: Kenna Gioffre (N) forfeit; 132 Mael Pierre-paul (B) pin Dante Ames (N); 138 Cayden Morin (B) dec. Rafe D’agostino (N), 8-5 8-5; 144 Grayson Renkert (N) pin Richie Marter (B); 150 Antonio Arguello (N) pin Jemar Duverger (B); 157 Jake Maddox (N) pin Corey Paternoster (B); 165 Marc Maurath (N) pin Devyn Blake (B); 175 Andrew Corey (N) pin Finn Moran (B); 190: Andrew Gegelishvili (N) forfeit; 215: Thomas Morgan (N) forfeit; 285 Brayden Ayles (N) pin Zhamier Foust (B)
Records: Newtown 5-1, Bunnell 0-7

Ledyard 60, Griswold/Wheeler 21
At Ledyard
106 Jessica Dudley (L) pin Nollan Thomas (G), 3:59; 113 Talon Vanase (L) pin Zakry Coffey (G), 0:28; 120 Brandon Millovitsch (G) pin Conner Neamon (L), 1:12; 126 Lukas Boxley (L) pin Seth Christie (G), 5:02; 132 Joseph Crader (L) pin Jeffrey Bentley (G), 1:30; 138 Josiah Estriplet (L) pin Ryder Telgarsky (G), 1:19; 144 Noah Jones (L) pin Samuel Gray (G), 0:59; 150 Logan Storz (L) pin Layne Moss (G), 2:57; 157 Braxton Swanbeck (L) pin Augustine Dietz (G), 1:39; 165 Russell Stewart (G) pin Owen Williams (L), 1:37; 175 Ryan Taggart (L) pin Maxwell Gray (G), 2:26; 190 Michael Capalbo (G) pin Ephraim Medic (L), 4:13; 215 Andrew Rosekrans (G) dec. Christopher Robertson (L), 13-7; 285 Aidan Schlimgen (L) pin Evan Bachofner (G), 0:24
Records: Griswold/Wheeler 3-3, Ledyard 3-1

Windham 72, Putnam 10
At Windham
106: Giselle-Gonzalez Aleluya (W) forfeit; 115 Abigail Daniels (P) pin Alexander Diaz Guillen (W), 3:12; 122 Yael Atlixqueno Zuniga (W) pin Carter Murawski (P), 1:54; 128 Delmazio Despard (W) pin Jacob Olson (P), 2:52; 134: Geovanni Rodriguez (W) forfeit; 140: Oscar Mendoza-Soto (W) forfeit; 146: James Burn (W) forfeit; 152 Troy Torres-Morey (W) pin Edy Morente mendez (P), 2:45; 159 Michael Serrano (W) pin Aiden Membreno (P), 3:35; 167 Ariel Cortez-roque (W) pin Rj Petrowsky (P), 0:22; 177 Cardell Smith (W) pin Codie Baillargeon (P), 0:24; 192: Rubel Torillo (W) forfeit; 217 Lucas Benoit (P) dec. Brandon Torillo (W), 11-0; 287 Isaiah Torres (W) pin Anthony Paquin (P), 1:55
Records: Windham 5-1, Putnam 0-8

Foran 67, Jonathan Law 9
At Milford (Foran)
106 Selena Batres (Law) pin Sophia Coubrough (F), 1:25; 113 Sawyer Miller (F) pin Nicoletta Pacifico (Law), 0:34; 120 Charles Moyher (F) pin Jared Saludes (Law), 4:25; 126: Adrian Cruz (F) forfeit; 132 Brayden Hancock (Law) dec. Bennett Lane (F), 3-1; 138 Rowan Bodden (F) pin Mackenzie Nichols (Law), 0:22; 144 Landon Chan (F) dec. Henry Smith (Law), 14-4; 150 Thomas Mahon (F) pin Kioni Mitoo (Law), 3:18; 157: Antonio Aspras (F) forfeit; 165 Tyquell Lucas (F) pin Amilio Venditti (Law), 5:00; 175 Shane Trevethan (F) pin Bill Childs (Law), 1:55; 190 Panagiotis Christakos (F) pin Santiago Penagos (Law), 0:53; 215 Zach Lund (F) dec. Will Smith (Law), 6-3 OT; 285 Jagger Rees (F) pin Max Steele (Law), 0:55
Records: Law 4-2, Foran 8-1

Killingly 77, New London 6
At Killingly
106 Gavin Jonasch (K) tech fall Jose Caban (NL), 20-5; 113: Ronald Wood (K) forfeit; 120 Bradey Jonasch (K) pin Alejandro Torres (NL), 1:27; 126 Mason Connetti (K) pin Armani Mayorga (NL), 1:00; 132 Donald Ross (K) pin Machai Brisbane (NL), 1:03; 138 Brady Zadora (K) pin Jaquis Lee (NL), 2:20; 144:Aiden Mantia (K) forfeit; 150 Jared Hansen (K) pin Darien Jones (NL); 157 Peter Manfredo (K) pin Ramzay Vidal (NL), 3:00; 165 Exael Padilla (K) pin Jhandel Marchial (NL), 2:25; 175: Gavin Corrao (K) forfeit; 190 Giovanni Da silva-Escalera (NL) pin Caleb Laoroyal (K); 215: Zach Phillips (K) forfeit; 285 Anthony Oates (K) pin Joe Shostak (NL), 2:38
Records: New London 0-1, Killingly 12-0

Rockville 60, Coventry 22
At Vernon
106: Liam Nelson (R) forfeit; 113: Frank Tenezaca (R) forfeit; 120: Edrick Bell-Murrelli (R) forfeit; ; 126 Caleb Hamilton (R) pin Jacob Visny (C), 1:55; 132 Yosuel Santiago (R) pin Anthony Rochester (C); 138 Shawn Dennler (C) pin Parker Burns (R), 1:43; 144 Akira Zavala (C) tech fall Zayden Barth (R), 17-1; 150 Teagun Godi (C) tech fall Isaiah Campbell (R), 16-1; 157 Demir Sanford (R) pin Dominic Carilli (C); 165: Sam Montgomery (R) forfeit; 175: Kevin Kelleher (R) forfeit; 190 Randall Sherman (R) pin Alex Campbell (C), 1:30; 215 Jace Murphy (C) pin Ashton Lefebvre (R); 285: Mikhail Moreno (R) forfeit
Records: Rockville 4-1, 1-0 NCCC; Coventry 0-5, 0-1 NCCC

Gerry deSimas, Jr., is the editor and founder of Connecticut Wrestling Online. He is an award-winning writer and has been covering sports in Connecticut and New England for more than 40 years. He was inducted into the New England High School Wrestling Hall of Fame in 2018.

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